On Fri, 17 Jan 2003 18:51:47 +0800, you wrote:
> Matthew X wrote:
> >
> > http://www.moscowtimes.ru/stories/2002/12/27/120.html
> > Global Eye -- Death Merchants
> > By Chris Floyd
> > Each day, one turns to the latest news from the bowels of the Bush Regime
> > with Dorothy Parker's immortal words sounding in the mind like a tocsin:
> > "What fresh hell is this?"
> > Ever since he seized office, Bush has taken every opportunity to derail or
> > destroy UN efforts to provide reproductive health services to the world's
> > poorest women.
> For "reproductive health services" read "forced abortion." That's what
> the UN is purveying, and one of the few foreign policy decisions of this
> administration that I agree with is cutting off the UN popucrats.

Related to this line, I'm wondering why there have been no 
protests of the US FDA's position that it has authority to 
regulate cloning. This would include the process by which a 
woman provides her egg and her skin cell for cloning and 
reimplantation into the uterus. Why aren't the "pro-choice" 
groups assailing this infringement on a woman's "reproductive 
rights" and this intrusion by the government on women's bodies? 
Her egg, her skin cell, her uterus... How come there is no 
groundswell of women's groups about this intrusion? Are those 
groups really just about abortion, and not about "reproductive 

What would be the valid reason for the government to claim power 
to regulate her egg, her skin DNA, and her uterus?

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