Gore would have appointed folks to federal agencies who were
considerably more regulatory, not even thought about a serious tax
cut, and would have embraced more and more federal regulations.
Bush is marginally better on that score.

As for civil liberties, we wouldn't have had Poindexter but we could
have had someone like him overseeing the same program -- DARPA is
hardly a partisan beast. It's true we might have had someone less
eager about war, but then again Sept. 11 gave (in the minds of DC
types) any president carte blanche, and we haven't gone to war yet.
(Perhaps naively, I'm hoping the administration may back down at
the last moment.)

Probably the biggest difference is the conservative activist
community, in DC, online and in talk radio -- they've been
unfortunately silent when it comes to complaining about
unconstitutional actions from a Republican administration. Not
uniformly silent, of course, but still too quiet.


On Tue, Jan 14, 2003 at 01:47:24AM -0800, Bill Stewart wrote:
> Gore and Lieberman would have been no prize in office either,
> but they wouldn't have done much more damage to the economy
> or to civil liberties, probably much less, and would have been
> less gung-ho about getting us into a war and would have found
> some kind of pork that's more productive than military hardware
> to spend our tax money on.

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