At 10:44 AM 1/13/03 -0800, [Bill Stewart] wrote:
If you've got your brother counting the votes,
and you can prevent anybody else from counting them,
then you don't need to cancel elections.
On Monday, January 13, 2003, at 09:23  PM, John Kelsey wrote:
Personally, I was shocked, *shocked*, to see the supreme court make a decision on the basis of politics instead of a careful reading of the constitution.
At 10:40 PM 01/13/2003 -0800, Tim May wrote:
Everything the Supreme Court did in the 2000 election was fully justified. The Dems lost, then tried to change the rules.
Were it up to me, I would have shot Al Gore and Joe Lieberman on the spot.
You and Bill need your brains washed out with soap.
I'm not happy with Bush, to repeat this mantra that Gore/Lieberman actually won is knavish at best.
I'm not sure who won, but I know who tried to make sure that
nobody else got to count the votes; it was pure sleaze,
and he got away with it, though I'll grant you that the
incompetence of the Democrats at enforcing the rules about
getting the votes recounted when they're close enough that
Florida law permits it certainly contributed to that.

Gore and Lieberman would have been no prize in office either,
but they wouldn't have done much more damage to the economy
or to civil liberties, probably much less, and would have been
less gung-ho about getting us into a war and would have found
some kind of pork that's more productive than military hardware
to spend our tax money on.

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