I'm sure that I do nothing new in drawing parallels between the occurences
in George Orwell's seminal text "1984" and the founding of the Information
Awareness Office.  It is nothing short of terrifying that someone wants to
gather all digital information on anyone and everyone into a giant database
for the purpose of finding out who is a social "undesirable" and who isn't.
 We are moving into another glorious age, where one may come under scrutiny
due to the books and films that we rent, the clothes that we buy, and the places
that we visit.  This has happened before and will probably happen again and
we will still probably learn nothing from it.  My question is why is everyone
so apathetic about this?  American's have always clung to their freedoms and
privacies with such pride that I cannot help but shake my head in wonder that
people are not bringing serious pressure to bear in an attempt to stop this
grotesque endeavour.


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