On Wed, 22 Jan 2003 10:01:09 -0500, you wrote:
> This is also pretty clear, no? It basically says
> "The truth is, our goal is to dominate the world,
> and we have operatives and cronies everywhere who
> share our goals, so stay out of our way and Don't
> Fuck With Us".

Actually, it is reality not a goal. A better statement would be 
"The US dominates the world, and if you act otherwise, we will 
kill you. If you think otherwise, we will find out and you will 
become a "person of interest" and placed on the "no-fly" and TIA 
watch lists. And if you are a US citizen, remember you are a 
check mark away from being an "enemy combatant" in a military 
prison of our choosing, with no lawyer, no judge, no appeal to 
anyone, anywhere, forever."

The US is no longer content to be #1. It demands respect for 
being #1 thru #200, inclusive.

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