On Tue, 28 Jan 2003, Major Variola (ret) wrote:

> Get some scurf from expensive D.C. restaurants.  PCRAmplify it up if you

And be sure to open it -only- at the crime scene. If the investigator
could grab a sample of the same mix of DNA at some other location that the
suspect visits then they'd have a clue that the scene was tampered with.

As always, you must look at both 'traffic analysis' and 'signature

> Major Variola's Brand Homogenized Human DNA

Some other factors:

-       With sufficient motivation it would be possible for the police
        to keep a running sample of most public places. Exactly what
        would drive such a utility function isn't clear. Perhaps an
        assassination of a high dignitary or major theft. If they could
        track a suspects last few days it would be possible for them to
        take comparative samples.

-       Never spit or otherwise leave phsical evidence in public (ie
        trash recepticles as public eating places) so that a sample
        can be taken without a search (at least technicaly it wouldn't
        be a search). There are cases of cops following suspects for
        several years and finally catching them by simply grabbing a
        spit sample off the sidewalk (there is a real world example I
        posted in the archives a couple of years ago).

-       If you're going to commit crimes where physical genetic evidence
        may be problematic then be sure to have taken a good shower and
        a fresh haircut (if it wouldn't be incriminating). Make sure
        your clothing is freshly washed and has been touched by nobody
        who has regular interaction with you. This means a clothes
        cleaner you don't normally use (don't use a credit card or a
        real name/number). If possible get somebody else to pick up the
        clothes (there are cameras everywhere).

-       Wear complete coverage clothes, sort of like those sleepers you
        wore as a kid only with gloves and booties. This would include
        a face mask.

-       Wipe the outside of the outfit off with something that is a
        very good agent at breaking down DNA, carry a spray bottle of
        this same agent. Spray it liberally.

-       It might be worth making the outside of the suit slightly tacky
        so that it tends to pickup instead of shed material. This may
        imply wearing several layers and shedding them once in a while.

-       Be sures that there is nothing in ones background that would
        indicate they have necessary knowledge, motivation, or ability
        in this regards.

-       This all implies a lot of preperation and time that is not
        constrained. Having large gaps in ones schedule at convenient
        times would be indicative.

It's worth noting again that one of the major threats to anyone building
such a database of genetic data is the continued denial of that same
technology to the public at large. If genetic technology expands until
it's reasonably easy to have scans and splices done then keeping a
databank of individuals DNA is worthless.

Personally, I believe that this is the reason that cloning and such are
being hounded into illegality by secular authority. Once somebody has a
legally recognized clone walking around (or clones that are unknown or
unregistred) any such DNA evidence is worthless.


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