On Tue, 11 Feb 2003, Mike Rosing wrote:

> Some 40+ years ago we had to learn it in kindergarten.  One kid
> refused and they took him out of class.

His and the other kids parents were pussies.

I first went to school about the same time ago, 1966 in Houston. I didn't
do the pledge and they called my parents. The solution, I had to stand but
didn't have to say anything. So that's what I did. Worked for 12 years of
public school (of course after about the 4'th or 5'th grade I don't ever
remember having to do it in school except perhaps at assembly or a
sports event). Reminds me of the time in 5th grade when a teacher
threatened to tie me in a chair. I told her my mother would 'beat her
ass'. They called my mother, she asked the teacher and the principle if
the threat had been made. They said yes. She said I was right, she would
beat their asses. Pretty impressive from a women barely over 5ft. This
was the same women in high school who told the principle he had better things
to do with his time than bother me about not tucking my shirt in or having
long hair. I wish I had a picture of the instructor in the only time I
ever got detention (in HS) when they threatened me with more detention and
expulsion for long hair. 'Ripping them a new asshole' only begins to
describe. I did my three days and that was that.

I've never put my hand on my heart or said the pledge, don't ever intend
to either. I'll never sign an oath either. I've had people ask me about
it, a simple 'Fuck you' resolved the problem quite nicely.


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