On Wed, 12 Feb 2003 23:30:12 -0500, Declan wrote:

> Note by broad conservative community I do not include
> politically-active gun owners, who would like an actual principled
> stand on the 2A. Fat chance.

People who look for "principled stands" by a government, any 
government, aren't paying attention. Other than surviving and 
maintaining control over the governed, governments have no 
principles. That kind of thing just gets in the way of survival 
and control and potentially limits a government's options.

Example: From the Declaration of Independence to the Sedition 
Act took only 22 years, and that was when the founding fathers 
still actively dominated political life. Today, a USA Patriot 
Act takes only minutes to enact, with neither debate nor 
hearings, and members of Congress don't even complain of not 
being able to read it before the vote.

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