At 07:55 AM 02/14/2003 -0800, James A. Donald wrote:
As one approaches the plank length,
I'm getting kind of board with this.
(Alternatively, Bob Hettinga can make some kind of pirate comment here...)

TD> Hell, Witten himself said something like "The development of General
TD> Relativity probably occurs in nonhuman civilizations as a corrollary to
TD> Superstrings. The discovery of General Relativity on Earth prior to
TD> Superstrings will probably be regarded as an historical accident".

EC>I generally discount greatly any math or physics argument which has to
EC>appeal to "nonhuman civilizations" in search of profundity.

I checked with the local non-humans, and they said that
strings really are kind of fun, remind them of mouse tails,
but that the historical accident was Not Their Fault...

JD> Suppose we had the ultimate theory of everything handed to us
JD> on a platter by supercilious aliens.
.. and they objected to being called supercilious, as well.

There's a theory that the standard pictures of space aliens
have a strong resemblence to what a half-awake human sees
when there's a six-month-old kitten staring you in the face from
a few inches closer than your eyes' normal focal lengths...

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