On Monday, February 24, 2003, at 11:20 AM, Greg Newby wrote:

You neglected the possibility that he's from the dreaded
Other Side.  Better call T.I.P.S. :-)

But seriously, he could just be a mercenary: ex-soldier,
ex-fed, whatever.  There's no reason why the bank couldn't
hire their own plain clothes guards.  If he had weapons
that non-soldiers can't get licenses for, I'd be more suspicious.
  -- Greg

On Mon, Feb 24, 2003 at 02:01:39PM -0500, Tyler Durden wrote:

Perhaps one of you crazies can shed some light on this.

While grabbing some lunch I passed by the Deutch Bank tower further down on
Wall Street. Standing in front is what is clearly no standard $6/hour
security gaurd, though he has no uniform. The guy's wearing jackboots

"Jackboots" are almost certainly _not_ what he was wearing. Presumably TD saw what are sometimes called "jump boots" or "combat boots."

"jackboot a heavy military boot made of glossy black leather extending above the knee and worn especially during the 17th and 18th centuries; a laceless military boot reaching to the calf"


and a
jumpsuit, and I can tell from his build he's some kind of soldier. (He's
also armed, but the guns are not visible.)

What's the deal here? It seems odd that the guy has no obvious uniform to
make us all feel better (he'd certainly save us in the event of another
terrorist attack), and scare away the numberless raghead terrorists. Is he
there to make the Deutsch Bank execs feel better?

Also, what's the deal with him not having any ID or anything? Does a US
soldier have to be marked?

(As for him being a soldier, take it from me I can tell this guy aint a
standard rentacop.)

Maybe not a standard rentacop, but TD is sorely mistaken if he thinks uniforms and ID badges need to be worn by various sorts of persons. For reasons too numerous to get into here.

Most likely, private security employed by the bank. As for the more buff appearance than the usual retired doughnut eaters employed in the past, these are the times we live in. Where once such a "paramilitary" appearance would frighten the sheeple, now they are apparently reassured.

--Tim May, Corralitos, California
Quote of the Month: "It is said that there are no atheists in foxholes; perhaps there are no true libertarians in times of terrorist attacks." --Cathy Young, "Reason Magazine," both enemies of liberty.

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