On 2 Mar 2003 at 1:00, Bill Stewart wrote:
> Most of the national talk shows on radio are either 
> conservatives or ranting right wingers or sports shows (which 
> don't count.) The ranters get some mileage out of insulting 
> people for a while, trying to keep finding new people to hate 
> and insult, but it gets old after a while, and now that 
> there's no longer a Clinton Administration supplying easy 
> targets, it's hard to sustain.

You take for granted that news shows are to the right of their 
audience.  This does not seem to be the case.   Fox has 
determined the political views of the typical person who is 
interested in news, and Fox is dead center on that demographic. 
If O'Reilly is neither right nor left, but instead "balanced", 
even if far from fair, then existent talk shows are fairly 
representative of their audience, about equally split between 
right and left, which of course makes them all extreme right 
wing as compared to most of the people who run the news.

As to which side is spewing rage and hatred, try googling for 
references to "Ann Coulter".   Anne laughs at her opponents.  I 
get the feeling that they would put me in the gulag if they 
could, along with most of their audience.   Similarly recall 
the debate between Chagnon and his various opponents. The joke 
so often made about feminists is also very much applicable to 
those than in the America call themselves liberals. 

         James A. Donald

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