At 11:03 PM 3/4/03 -0500, Steve Furlong wrote:
>From the article, New York Civil Liberties Union President Stephen
>Gottlieb says, "We believe, most of us, in the Bill of Rights, and we
>believe that protects the freedom to speak." How is Constitutionally-
>protected freedom of speech imperiled when an agent of a private
>corporation asks someone to leave because his speech is offensive?

Steve is right.  Free speech is tested by wearing "Fuck the Army"
t-shirts [1]
in public places, not "Peace" while in some private store.

[1] Literally, it was so tested; the legal readers will know what I'm
talking about.

Enforcement of the Court's ban on coercive monotheist nationalist
allegiances will
be another test case, of whether the constitution + courts can keep
and the American taliban at bay.

Linking both issues, I imagine there will be some *CLU [2] cases
about messages in public schools with garments as the medium.

[2] with apologies to Liskov

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