On Wed, 05 Mar 2003 09:58:31 -0800, you wrote:
> At 11:03 PM 3/4/03 -0500, Steve Furlong wrote:
> >From the article, New York Civil Liberties Union President Stephen
> >Gottlieb says, "We believe, most of us, in the Bill of Rights, and we
> >believe that protects the freedom to speak." How is Constitutionally-
> >protected freedom of speech imperiled when an agent of a private
> >corporation asks someone to leave because his speech is offensive?
> Steve is right.  Free speech is tested by wearing "Fuck the Army"
> t-shirts [1]
> in public places, not "Peace" while in some private store.

Not too fast. What about "nonobvious involvement of the state"? 
Don't prematurely assume this is private, non-state conduct.

What connections exist, if any, which link the state to that 
mall? For example, was the construction of the mall, or the 
awarding of the permit, or the environmental exceptions made, 
etc., such that the state has a sufficient role in the existence 
of the mall so as to implicate by that link the fourteenth 
amendment's extention of the first amendment to that operation 
of that mall? Some research should be done to determine the 
depth of state involvement in that mall before everyone goes 
running off down the "private mall" path. The state need not 
occupy the space, or staff and direct the security service or 
anything else there.

"The Civil Rights Cases, 109 U.S. 3 (1883), "embedded in our 
constitutional law" the principle "that the action inhibited by 
the first section [Equal Protection Clause] of the Fourteenth 
Amendment is only such action as may fairly be said to be that 
of the States. That Amendment erects no shield against merely 
private conduct, however discriminatory or wrongful." Chief 
Justice Vinson in Shelley v. Kraemer, 334 U.S. 1, 13 (1948). It 
was language in the opinion in the Civil Rights Cases, supra, 
that phrased the broad test of state responsibility under the 
Fourteenth Amendment, predicting its consequence upon "State 
action of every kind . . . which denies . . . [365 U.S. 715, 
722] the equal protection of the laws." At p. 11. And only two 
Terms ago, some 75 years later, the same concept of state 
responsibility was interpreted as necessarily following upon 
"state participation through any arrangement, management, funds 
or property." Cooper v. Aaron, 358 U.S. 1, 4 (1958). It is 
clear, as it always has been since the Civil Rights Cases, 
supra, that "Individual invasion of individual rights is not the 
subject-matter of the amendment," at p. 11, and that private 
conduct abridging individual rights does no violence to the 
Equal Protection Clause unless to some significant extent the 
State in any of its manifestations has been found to have become 
involved in it. Because the virtue of the right to equal 
protection of the laws could lie only in the breadth of its 
application, its constitutional assurance was reserved in terms 
whose imprecision was necessary if the right were to be enjoyed 
in the variety of individual-state relationships which the 
Amendment was designed to embrace. For the same reason, to 
fashion and apply a precise formula for recognition of state 
responsibility under the Equal Protection Clause is an 
"impossible task" which "This Court has never attempted." Kotch 
v. Pilot Comm'rs, 330 U.S. 552, 556 . Only by sifting facts and 
weighing circumstances can the nonobvious involvement of the 
State in private conduct be attributed its true significance."

U.S. Supreme Court
BURTON v. WILMINGTON PKG. AUTH., 365 U.S. 715 (1961)
365 U.S. 715
No. 164.
Argued February 21, 23, 1961.
Decided April 17, 1961.

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