At 02:56 PM 3/7/03 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>I'm not crazy about everything that the government does, but there are
>offs in a non-perfect society. One of them is monitoring the innocent
to, in
>turn, attempt to prevent the guilty from trampling over everything,
Allah willing.

Wrong compromise.  See Franklin, B.

>I'm pretty sure that your Jack-dipped cotton swab will fall under
tampering and
>intentional abuse of law enforcement resources, so you will pay your
fine, then
>come back here to complain about "the man" that is trying to take away
>world of lawlessness and accountability.

You might have picked the wrong list.

We analyze systems.   And societies are systems too.
We look at weaknesses from an adversary's viewpoint.
We switch viewpoints faster than Kasparov.  We are the rabbit, and the
and the dynamics.  We argue about which cuts of the sacred cow are the
tastiest.  We believe such studies are interesting by themselves, and
practical, for instance letting us strengthen these systems based on our

reasoning and experimentation.  We use the plural singular as agitprop
and to piss Tim off.   Security science, bub.  You propose
a (hysterical big brotheresque--is some friend red asphalt?) system, and
we study
it.  You don't even have to ask us, just make us aware of it :-)

>There are countries that are very differing in their laws and

Yes, doncha just miss the Stasi?   And what sharp uniforms!

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