The official reason MTV rejects "issues based" ads is that they want
to prevent the "rich" from buying up lots of airtime.  Assume the
average MTV viewer is younger and lefter than the average organiztion
with a lot of money, and it makes some sense.

I think their policy should be money on wood gets you 30 seconds on
the air, within technical parameters .  However, a policy of "no
issues based ads", if it makes viewers happier by preventing
organizations opposed to the average MTV viewer from buying time,
seems like a good commercial decision.  To be consistent, they should
really be rejecting the anti-drug PSAs, though, but that's too easy a
source of non-cash revenue to give up.  If I were a TV producer, I
would absolutely demand no PSAs run during my show.

(I looked into this when the spoof "drugs fund terrorism?  then
legalize drugs" ads were prepared and didn't get to air as widely as
would be good.) (MTV, anti-drug ads)

(I don't like marijuana, personally.  I dislike the government more,
but I think if one is going to smoke a politician, .300winmag is
better than a bong...your lungs and fellow citizens will thank you)

Ryan Lackey [RL960-RIPE AS24812]   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   +1 202 258 9251
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