On Monday, March 17, 2003, Tyler came up with this...
TD> Cops tend to leave you alone unless you're robbing or
TD> killing somebody.

Or unless you're smoking a cigarette.

TD> Drugs get the occsional bust, but the vast majority are left alone if
TD> its discrete.

In some places that may be, but in others it's entirely false. I've been
harassed by cops just for shaking hands with someone on 49th st. in
Sunset Park, BK. People have been followed there just for using a
payphone. It depends on where you are, and who you are. Granted a
wealthy white suit-type is less likely to buy their drugs in public, but
they're also less likely to be pulled over, etc. There's more drugs on
Wall st. than in all of Brooklyn or the Bronx but you'd never know from
the police reports. It's less about discretion than circumstance.


There ought to be limits to freedom.
George W. Bush

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