At 09:24 AM 3/21/03 -0500, Tyler Durden wrote:
>>May thousands of AmeriKKKan troops die painfully, along with their
>>handlers on the East Coast, as a deterrent to future illegal wars of
>This was the part I had to think about the most. Right now, my feeling
>that it would be a tragedy for a large mass of nearly-lumpen soldiers,
>"educated" by the US school system, to have to take the brunt of
>responsibility for this.

It would be a pain for their families and worse for their insurers,
certainly, but think of
the evolutionary benefits to mankind.  You remove folks who
*voluntarily* gave
up moral control of their bodies to an unjust, cruel regime.  Such
eagerness to be externally programmed for violence is undesirable
in the modern environment, although no doubt considered useful
by those who use the mercenary moral zombies.

Pruning out the manipulative programmers, those who exploit the moral
 requires more effort, but at least there are fewer, and they identify
(in autumn in the US) nearly as easily as the zombies, and they
congregate periodically.

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