At 09:10 PM 3/27/2003 -0800, Major Variola (ret) wrote:
"Sometimes  when you're in government you have to do things for the
whether they like it or not. That's what governing is all about," said
Senate Majority Leader Joseph Bruno, R-Brunswick.

Re: Usenet as solution to Al-Jazeera jamming problem

I suspect that Usenet groups containing tens-o-megabyte files
are often blocked by ISPs (and public sources would be overwhelmed).
Also, wasn't Usenet plagued by evil message-cancellers?

Yes, people sometimes try to thwart postings, esp. muliti-part postings common for video. Speaking of which, I think you should visit Usenet sometime and look at the alt.binaries.multimedia hierarchy. People routinely post movies in Divx/avi, vcd, svcd and now even dvd format (we're talking about a full 4.3 GB disk!). If someone wanted to create a plug-in for popular multimedia viewers (e.g., RealOne or Windows Media Player) that could resolve and automatically assemble Usenet postings it could work very well (there are already a number of newsgroup readers out there specialized for such work) as a broadcast video tool for any commercial or non-commercial application.


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