On Sat, Mar 29, 2003 at 04:01:12PM -0800, jet wrote:
> At 18:42 -0500 2003/03/29, Declan McCullagh wrote:
> >I went to the Timonium hamfest and computer show today (surprisingly
> >good, even with the rain). On the way back, listened to an NPR Baghdad
> >correspondent report that the mood in the city had subtly changed --
> >basically that since Saddam didn't seem to be getting his ass kicked,
> >the locals now seem willing to fight, if not for Saddam himself, at
> >least for the sake of their country. Door-to-door: Let's do it!
> Last week on BBC World, I heard a British military analyst say that while in his 
> teens he was willing to do almost anything to remove Thatcher from office, he would 
> have gladly taken up arms in the defense of Britain if the army of another country 
> tried to remove her from power.

   Yeah, too bad they don't feel the same way about Ireland. The Irish have been
trying to kick the Brits out for what, 400 years? At least. 

Harmon Seaver   
We are now in America's Darkest Hour.

hoka hey!

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