On Sun, Mar 30, 2003 at 02:09:11PM -0800, Bill Stewart wrote:
> At 01:15 PM 03/30/2003 -0600, Harmon Seaver wrote:
> >   IIRC, the protestants aren't Irish, they are Brits, the remainder of 
> >the brit
> >occupying forces. The Irish were essentially slaves of the brits for 
> >centuries.
> You don't remember correctly.  Most of the Protestants in Ulster
> were moved there in the 1700s from Scotland during the conquests there.
> It took care of two problems at once - displacing a lot of the Irish,
> and getting a lot of uncooperative Scots out of Scotland.

  ahh, that's what it was. I knew they weren't Irish at any rate. 

> >  But of course, the problems really pre-date all that, going back to 
> when the
> >christer Romans came and killed off the Druids and Wiccans who wouldn't 
> >bend the
> >knee to conversion, as they did in the rest of Europe.
> While there was some of that, there wasn't much,
> particularly in Scandinavia - Norse Odinism was a pretty depressing 
> religion,
> and the population converted at least nominally very quickly,
> though it took a while to get concepts like "Don't kill" and "Don't steal"
> accepted as widely as "Don't sacrifice people to the old gods",
> given that viking was a standard part of the Viking economy.
   The number of women, in particular, who were murdered by the church is pretty
high, not just during the initial "conversion" but also during the following

Harmon Seaver   
We are now in America's Darkest Hour.

hoka hey!

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