On Wed, Apr 02, 2003 at 12:16:20PM +0100, Vincent Penquerc'h wrote:
> >    I don't think they will need to fight us, just impose 
> > sanctions by the UN, or
> > even just a world boycott of the US. That and a few suicide 
> > bombers in the US
> > now and again. How many suicide bombers in airports would it 
> > take to finish off
> > the US air industry? The rest of the world is perfectly 
> > capable of destroying
> > the US without any real military action. 
> I doubt those govts would be able to hide their traces well enough
> for the CIA not to have wind of this. Then, the US have two options:
> either officially yell, and maybe militarily attack (they'd have a
> huge popular support for this), or let the CIA do the thing, as in
> Chile, for instance. Leads to a war of civilian bombings ? Official
> yells would be of course accompanied with sanctions, probably voted
> at UNSC unanimity (minus a veto if the responsbile country is in
> UNSC itself, but I doubt that'd change much anyway).
> Something that could (though not very probable either) avoid these
> consequences is "unofficial" actions, by people without any state
> connection whatsoever (or company, etc). But even then, look at
> what happened to Afghanistan. Granted, a EU country might be a bit
> more hard of a target to attack, but it would be easier for the CIA
> to do the same kind of covert attacks there. I doubt many countries
> want to get involved into that.

   The suicide bombers will come here entirely on their own for the most part,
or perhaps with the help of Al-queda type groups. There will be no country to
retaliate against. That alone could easily send us into a deep depression -- by
and large the US public is far too soft to deal with the effects of that. 
   Or do you mean that the CIA will seek to undermine the governments of
countries that boycott the US? It might not even be a gov't action, just a lot
of angry people around the world. After all, what do we produce that anyone
really needs that isn't made more cheaply elsewhere, other than possibly
food? And many countries are already boycotting our GM food crops. 

Harmon Seaver   

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