Bill Stewart (2003-08-27 07:06Z) wrote:

> At 08:54 AM 08/26/2003 -0500, Harmon Seaver wrote:
> >   I don't get it -- exactly what do they think they would be taxing?
> >9% of what? The bits and bytes that flow thru? 
> >The owners already paid a sales tax on the hardware, 
> >or is this like a yearly property tax?
> >Bizarre!
> The standard joke about how you tell a computer salesman
> from a used car salesman is that the car salesman
> knows when he's lying.  These incompetents like taxing things,
> but if they don't know what they technology is about,
> they *really* *really* shouldn't propose special taxes 
> on it until they know how to count the objects they want to tax.

I got the impression they want to tax the yearly depriciation of the
networking equipment.  Just as silly as, and perhaps even more expensive
than, taxing the bits.

No man is clever enough to          Times are bad.  Children no longer
know all the evil he does.          obey their parents, and everyone
-Francois de la Rochefoucauld       is writing a book.  -Cicero

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