Yes, they'll tax 9% of the packets.  This means that out of 100 packets,
only 91 of them will go to other hosts, the other 9 packets must be routed
to the FL tax board in the form of ICMP ECHO requests.

However, be advised that if you have ever lived or thought about living in
Florida, this tax applies to you, so you should set your networking
devices to behave accordingly.  This tax applies to you, even if you live

OB DISCLAIMER: This is also known in some unsavory circles as a DDoS.  
:^)  If you actually do this, expect a visit from the Men in Black, with
names such as Agent Smith, who unlike me, have no sense of humor.

(I think I've had a bit too much caffeine this morning... heh...)

 + ^ + :25Kliters anthrax, 38K liters botulinum toxin, 500 tons of   /|\
  \|/  :sarin, mustard and VX gas, mobile bio-weapons labs, nukular /\|/\
<--*-->:weapons.. Reasons for war on Iraq - GWB 2003-01-28 speech.  \/|\/
  /|\  :Found to date: 0.  Cost of war: $800,000,000,000 USD.        \|/
 + v + :           The look on Sadam's face - priceless!       
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ------------

On Tue, 26 Aug 2003, Harmon Seaver wrote:

>    I don't get it -- exactly what do they think they would be taxing? 9% of
> what? The bits and bytes that flow thru? The owners already paid a sales tax
> on the hardware, or is this like a yearly property tax?
> Bizarre!
> On Mon, Aug 25, 2003 at 06:35:47PM -0500, Jim Choate wrote:
> >

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