On Thu, Oct 30, 2003 at 09:06:10AM -0800, James A. Donald wrote:
> On 28 Oct 2003 at 13:49, Adam Back wrote:
> > So for that reason I think Chaum's scheme practically would
> > not be viable over EC.  (Or you could do it but you'd be
> > better off performance, security and key/messag size doing
> > Chaum over normal RSA).
> Simple Chaumian blinding works fine on EC.  

So Chaumian blinding with public exponent e, private exponent d, and
modulus n is this and blinding factor b chosen by the client:

b^e.m mod n      ->
                 <-     (b^e.m)^d mod n
                        = b.m^d mod n  (simplifying)

and divide by b to unblind:
m^d mod n

how are you going to do this over EC?  You need an RSA like e and d to

> Some more complex schemes, such as some of Brand's, do not.

Brands DH based blinding scheme works in EC.  ECDH is directly
analogous, the usual conversion from discrete log (g^x mod p) to the
EC analog (x.G over curve E) works.


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