James A. Donald:
> > Simple Chaumian blinding works fine on EC.

On 31 Oct 2003 at 15:26, Adam Back wrote:
> So Chaumian blinding with public exponent e, private exponent d, and
> modulus n is this and blinding factor b chosen by the client:
> blind:
> b^e.m mod n    ->
>    sign:
>    <-         (b^e.m)^d mod n
>     = b.m^d mod n  (simplifying)
> and divide by b to unblind:
> m^d mod n
> how are you going to do this over EC?  You need an RSA like e and d to
> cancel.

See:"Anonymous Electronic Cash"

Lower case letters represent integers, capital letters elliptic
curve points.

Let k be the banks secret key.

The bank promises to pay a specific sum of money for any secret
of the form ( x, P), such that P = k * H(x) where H is a hash
function mapping random integers onto points on an elliptic
curve and k is a secret known only to the token issuer

Bob has an existing old used token of this form, and therefore
knows that V= k * U even though he does not know k.

Bob invents the random numbers t and q, constructs an elliptic
point R = t *U + Hash( q ) and pays the bank to construct T= k
* R

He then calculates Q = T- t * V

He now has a new token ( q , Q) of the required form, even
though the Bank did not generate Q, has never seen it before,
and when it sees it will not recognize it as having any
relationship to T or R. 

         James A. Donald

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