Eugen Leitl wrote:

Not that there is much discussion, the cyherpunk meme doesn't seem
to draw fresh blood too effectively.

I've been wondering why I havent seen more discussion on
wireless networking (802.11a/b/g) and anon/mix /dark nets.
Is this a subject of interest to anyone?  I am curious what
kinds of work has been done in this area...

A few examples:
- cryptographic dead drop or anonymous broadcast: wifi
 broadcasts with clients monitoring for tagged packets.
 Anonymous transport for a number of miles. (probably
 requires amps)

- (encrypted) wireless hops in a mix network for additional
 attack resistance, and/or all wireless (mesh?) routing.

Is the mapping of existing cryptographic techniques to
wireless transport straighforward and uninteresting, or
is there additional capabilities in a wireless envrionment
that open up new uses for secure and/or anonymous

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