On Mon, 8 Dec 2003, James A. Donald wrote:

> In "austin powers", they make the spy sound sixties by 
> depicting him as expecting the victory of the Soviet Union, and 
> perhaps rather favoring that outcome.   If they had him quote 
> Ayn Rand, he would not have sounded sixties.
> When the mass media want to cash in on nostalgia for the 
> sixties and early seventies, it is the young commies they 
> remember.

That's because the sixties commies sold out as quickly
as they could when they were no longer threatened with
compulsory military service. 
The sixties commies are the worst of the "how much
is enough" crowd out there whipping slave kids harder
to make more nikes and gap clothing.

The folks doing the heinlen/randian ranting haven't sold
out yet.

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