On Thursday 11 December 2003 22:00, Neil Johnson wrote:
> What I object to are corporations who utilize their power (money) to
> influence governments to make laws that benefit them at the expense of
> others.
> - The DMCA
> - Tariffs AND Free Trade Agreements
> - H1-B visas

And now... tarrifs for filming movies in Canada.  Just heard that one on NPR 
today, and I nearly drove off the road.  The plan is to raise the cost of 
filming in Canada so that there's no longer an economic advantage. Made me 
want to puke.

> Even Ayn Rand weaves this into "Atlas Shrugged" where the competitors of
> Reardon Steel get the government to try and force him to give them his
> formula for his high-strength steel because it's putting them out business
> and "unfair".

I guess Canada is "Reardon Pictures".

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