From: Neil Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> What I object to are corporations who utilize their power (money) to influence 
> governments to make laws that benefit them at the expense of others.
> - The DMCA
> - Tariffs AND Free Trade Agreements
> - H1-B visas
> Even Ayn Rand weaves this into "Atlas Shrugged" where the competitors of 
> Reardon Steel get the government to try and force him to give them his 
> formula for his high-strength steel because it's putting them out business 
> and "unfair".

"Corporations shall not be considered to be 'persons' protected by the Constitution of 
the United States or the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania within the 
Second Class Township of Porter, Clarion County, Pennsylvania."

Only a small handful of very large corporations abuse these rights to deceive people, 
hide crimes, or make politicians violate the will of their own voters. The millions of 
ethical corporations will thus be freed from the tyranny of the few while democratic 
government will be returned to its citizens.

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