On Wed, 17 Dec 2003, James A. Donald wrote:

> On 18 Dec 2003 at 5:40, privacy.at Anonymous Remailer wrote:
> > I think you might have forgotten about the other half the
> > system, due process. Even if you "KNOW" something, you've got
> > to go through the motions.
> Different rules apply in war.

One leettllleee problem: we are not really at war.  Or, to put this another
way, we are only "at war" when it is convenient for us to be.  Our Gitmo
guests aren't POWs because there was no declared war.  Anyone we grabbed on
the fields in Irq were just "illegal combatants", while our own troops
(Jessica Lynch) were "POWs".

The whole thing is through and through bullshit.

J.A. Terranson

"Unbridled nationalism, as distinguished from a sane and legitimate
patriotism, must give way to a wider loyalty, to the love of humanity as a
whole. Bah'u'llh's statement is: "The earth is but one country, and mankind
its citizens." 

The Promise of World Peace

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