On Fri, Dec 19, 2003 at 10:11:32AM -0500, Sunder wrote:
> That all depends on your definition of sovereign.  After all, "we" put, or
> at least helped, that monster into power.

Not really, no.

> So, while he was our puppet,

He was never out puppet.

> he was the good guy,

He was never the good guy, and was never called a good guy by "us".

Well, except for the idiots who are now calling for his release, I 

> and 
> no matter how many
> he murdered, he was a benevolent leader.

Not really, no.

> Now, we'll put a different "democratic" government in place.  Of course,
> it won't be as free as the USA, nor have the same kind of constitution -
> that would be a problem since we couldn't control it's oil.

If all we wanted was to control its oil we wouldn't try to put a 
democratic government in place, with or without the quote.

Gosh, the oil-conspiracy nutcases are so dumb, it's tiring.

> Nothing new, nothing to be surprised about. 

Exactly, a bunch of lies from the usual quarters. A stream of 
revisionist history from useful idiots hell-bent on making it ALL OUR 
FAULT, ever and ever again.

It's a movable feast.

> The war on terror itself will go on for as long as the voters will
> tolerate it, or until it's true goals succeede and it becomes impossible
> for the voters to do anything but accept it - or be disappeared in the
> middle of the night...  Not much different than in Stalin or Hitler's
> days.

You don't know much about Stalin's or Hitler's times, do you?


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