On Monday 22 December 2003 13:49, Michael Kalus wrote:
> Well, in america instead of being the slave to "the man" (just yet)
> you're the slave to your credit card bills

By choice.

> your employers

By choice, through a range that is "barely enough to eat and drink" to 
unimaginable heights in historical terms.

 and all the
> other robber barons you have in the industry, while under Castro you
> are.... Well what? You can't travel to the US? You are not necessarily
> always able to state your political opinions (which sound vaguely
> familiar in the US right now) etc.

Not even close to the US situation. Get a clue.

A simple example, read Tim May's continued expressions on the state of the US.

Now read this about Cuba:


Now, tell me that you still think the US is less free.

> Repeat after me: Freedom is something that is defined differently by
> every human being.

So Cuban's choose oppression and no free speech, in exchange for freedom of 
slavery to credit-card spending on luxury items, employment and robber 

Have you been to Cuba?

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