On 22 Dec 2003 at 1:10, Tim May wrote:
> I, and many others, were against the war in Vietnam without  
> being supporters of Ho Chi Minh or the Soviets or anyone of  
> that ilk

True, but amongst the vast mass chanting Ho, Ho, Ho Chi Minh,  
one could no more discern principled opponents of the Vietnam  
war, than one can today discern principled opponents of the  
Iraqi war among the Americans worrying about poor little  
victimized Saddam, and the mass of Europeans jumping for joy  
over the fall of the two towers.

Amidst the pro Saddam posters on this thread, many have come  
rather close to chanting "Ho, Ho, Ho Chi Minh" -- for the  
example the argument that the evil CIA deprived the third world 
masses of their beloved socialism provided by benevolent  
dictators, and the argument that the US "created' the Afghan  
resistance -- and thus presumably every other resistance  
movement against the Soviets.

> Essentially _none_ of them were supporters of the Soviets or 
> the North Vietnamese qua North Vietnamese.)

Now I get to call you the pinko:

They were supposedly supporters of the NLF, which they well  
knew was a North Vietnamese sock puppet, and thus a KGB sock  
puppet.  And when that sock puppet was discarded to reveal the 
iron fist of the NVA that had been moving its lips, none of  
them were surprised or dismayed.   Similarly Jane Fonda was 
supposedly not a supporter of the North Vietnamese qua North 
Vietnamese, yet without hesitation she lied about the condition 
and treatment of the POWs she met, whom she depicted as 
leniently treated war criminals.  When some of those she lied 
about returned home to speak the truth, she stuck to her 
position, counter attacking them as hypocrites and liars, 
denying that they had shown signs of starvation and torture.

I find it strange that the speakers at your rally were so  
remarkably different from the speakers at my rally --  
particularly when so many of the pro Saddam posters in this  
thread sound like they are new nyms for the same people who  
spoke at my rally.

If any of your speakers really thought the NLF was something  
other than a KGB sock puppet, they would have had posters of  
the supposed NLF leader on their wall.  Instead, not one of  
these supposed supporters of the NLF blinked when the most of  
the NLF vanished in the 1975 purge.

         James A. Donald

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