On Fri, 9 Jan 2004, Greg Broiles wrote:

> At 08:59 AM 1/8/2004, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >The great American experiment finally fizzled on December 1, 2003, when
> >the US Supreme Court declined to hear an appeal from a 9th Federal Circuit
> >decision which gutted the Second Amendment. It was a nice run - over two
> >hundred years.
> >
> >As of December 1, 2003, the US Supreme Court issued its ruling, refusing
> >to hear an appeal in the case of Silveira vs. Lockyer. That made Silveira
> >the law of the land, you see.
> No, that's absolutely incorrect. Every conclusion you reach which depends
> on that flawed premise is suspect.
> >Further appeals to Congress and the states are no longer a sure bet. The
> >soap box and the ballot box have been throughly tried, is it now time to
> >get out the ammo box?
> You're forgetting the jury box.

What good is a Jury when the "judge" can pick and choose which arguments and
evidence you can provide in support of your case?

> --
> Greg Broiles

J.A. Terranson

"Unbridled nationalism, as distinguished from a sane and legitimate
patriotism, must give way to a wider loyalty, to the love of humanity as a
whole. Bah'u'llh's statement is: "The earth is but one country, and mankind
its citizens."

The Promise of World Peace

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