"Sadre protected himself with Iraqi women and young children as
human shields, showing that he expected the Pentagon to show
more concern for Iraqi lives than he did."

There are giant, glaring holes in your logical processing, Mr Donald.

In this case let us remember that the whole situation is because WE are over THERE. This particular incident would not occur if we hadn't invaded.

Aside from that, your posts are completely saturated with the "They're more evil than we are therefore it's OK for us to be fuckin them over" logic.

This is also why your (mostly faulty) examples of Muslim violence are basically irrelevant, or at least in the case(s) where the US has taken unilateral action to undermine or destabilise regimes that don't happen to serve us (guess that's just a coincidence, eh).


From: "James A. Donald" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Airport insanity
Date: Mon, 18 Oct 2004 11:48:25 -0700

James A. Donald:
> > A very large number of muslims, particularly arab muslims-
> > a small minority in the US, a large minority or substantial
> > majority in many muslim countries, continually seek to
> > confront the infidel in a wide variety of ways, and
> > interpret our politeness and care to avoid harming muslims
> > as weakness and fear."

Tyler Durden
> I would bet that statements that sound very, very close to
> this were uttered prior to Iraq II.
> "Care to Avoid harming Muslims"?
> You are either trolling or [...]

Sadre protected himself with Iraqi women and young children as
human shields, showing that he expected the Pentagon to show
more concern for Iraqi lives than he did.

         James A. Donald

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