On 21 Oct 2004 at 10:26, Sunder wrote:
> IMHO, you are a misguided armchair general who sees yourself 
> as equal to those scumbags that have risen in power to lead 
> or enslave nations since you seem to constantly say "they 
> should have done X, and not Y"

When people are under attack, you cannot tell them to suck it 
up, which is what you are doing.  If we had no government, we 
might well be doing pogroms against american muslims - and a 
good thing to.

War causes governments, and causes governments to gain power, 
but the US government was not the aggressor in this war.   US 
government meddling in the middle east was unwise and 
unnecessary, but it did not provoke, nor does it justify, this 

The intent of a large minority of muslims was to start a holy 
war between the west and Islam, and the majority of muslims 
lack the will or courage to stop them, or even criticize them. 
That was not the intent of Americans, or the American 
government.  They started it, they meant to start it. Americans
tried to avoid it, some of them are still trying to avoid it. 
All Americans are still trying to conduct the war on the
smallest possible scale, against the smallest possible subset
of Islam, disagreeing only on how small that subset can be. 

         James A. Donald

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