James A. Donald wrote:
> > The US government should expose and condemn these 
> > objectionable practices, subvert moderately objectionable 
> > regimes, and annihilate more objectionable regimes.  The 
> > pentagon should deprive moderately objectionable regimes of 
> > economic resources, by stealing their oil, destroying their 
> > water systems, and cutting off their trade and population 
> > movements with the outside world.

Thomas Shaddack
> Meanwhile, the world will get pissed, Arabian Bloc will 
> finally agree on the concept of Monetary Jihad and switch 
> from dollar-per-barrel to euro-per-barrel and later perhaps 
> even to a gold-backed Islamic Dinar.

If the US has Saudi and Iraqi oil reserves, this would not be 
any big problem.

> Arabs have difficulties to agree on something, but give them 
> an enemy and they flock together

Like they flocked together over Israel?  They unite only in 
words, not deeds.  Look at the civil war now going on Iraq. The
Iraqi insurgency has not united, but rather are busy killing
each other.

> Other countries will stop caring about unilateral embargos 
> and will trade with the affected areas anyway, to great 
> dismay of American planners.

I had in mind not paper embargos which no one ever observes 
anyway, least of all those proclaiming them, but rather the
mining of ports, and key roads at the borders, the destruction
of airports, planes, ships, and vehicles travelling on those

         James A. Donald

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