On Tue, 19 Oct 2004, James A. Donald wrote:

> Here is my prescription for winning the war on terrorism
> We SHOULD rely on shock and awe, administered by men in white 
> coats far from the scene.


> The US government should expose and condemn these objectionable 
> practices, subvert moderately objectionable regimes, and 
> annihilate more objectionable regimes.  The pentagon should 
> deprive moderately objectionable regimes of economic resources, 
> by stealing their oil, destroying their water systems, and 
> cutting off their trade and population movements with the 
> outside world.
> Syria should suffer annihilation, Iran subversion, Sudan some 
> combination of annihilation and subversion, Saudi Arabia and 
> similar less objectionable regimes should suffer confiscation 
> of oil, destruction of water resources, and loss of contact 
> with the outside world. 

I see.  I'm sure that Dubbya has his own agenda filled with Shoulds, as
does Bin Ladin, as did Lenin, as did Hitler, as did Nero, as do you.  
Each saw (or see) their views as the way to Utopia.  Trouble is, which one
of you megalomaniacs is/was right?

Further to the point, reality is, and what clearly "should" and makes
sense to to you, clearly "doesn't" to another.  The only difference
between you and the others above is that you lack the power to bend
reality to your whims, and IMHO, that is a very good thing.  It is sad the
the above list contained megalomaniacs who did possess that power and used
it to cause great misery to others, and had to be removed from inflicting
their whims on the world at great expense.  Perhaps in a couple of weeks,
US Citizens will vote one of those out the list as he's already done
plenty of damage in the last four years, and save us another miserable 
four years.

So yes, perhaps, in the fine tradition of what should be instead of what
is, you, sir, should go fuck yourself.

 + ^ + :"Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we.  /|\
  \|/  :They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country /\|/\
<--*-->:and our people, and neither do we." -G. W. Bush, 2004.08.05 \/|\/
  /|\  :                                                             \|/
 + v + :    War is Peace, freedom is slavery, Bush is President.

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