Well, when push comes to shove I have to admit Mr Donald doesn't mince words. Guess that's what Cypherpunks is for!


The US government should expose and condemn these objectionable
practices, subvert moderately objectionable regimes, and
annihilate more objectionable regimes.  The pentagon should
deprive moderately objectionable regimes of economic resources,
by stealing their oil, destroying their water systems, and
cutting off their trade and population movements with the
outside world.

As was stated elesewhere, there is sfirst of all the problem of -who- determines the meaning of objectionable. Is it the latest DC regime? You make it seem like you espouse a philosophy that makes it easy and obvious to see what's objectionable.

More than that, however, this may be completely self-defeating. Most governments are not static entities. Some will evolve or die via relatively Darwinian processes, and interference really ends up being self-defeating, or possibly far worse.

I won't belabor my favorite example of China--Vietnam--Cambodia, but it's clear to me things could have been completely different had the US not espoused blatantly aggressive policies towards China in particular. In this context a very strong case can be made that the US caused the Khmer Rouge to come to power, precisely by performing in a way similar to what you espouse. We also had opportunities to ally with China early on, and let's remember we were allies with Ho Chi Min during WWII. But all we did is blindly pursue a policy that ended up devliering precisely OPPOSITE to what you would seem to espouse. And we're doing the same thing in the middle east.


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