James A. Donald wrote:
> > How could the US have given him support, short of violent 
> > means, such as bombing Tehran, which he was reluctant to 
> > accept?

Will Morton
>     Money.  Push it through your favourite UN department. 
>     Schools and hospitals == goodwill.

But Khatami was knackered shortly after being elected, so any 
aid would be aiding the terrorists.  We saw how well that 
worked in Fallujah and Sadr city.

> > You have this back to front.  Khatami was marginalized by 
> > the mullahs, and BECAUSE he was marginalized, because 
> > democracy in Iran was suppressed, the US government THEN 
> > included Iran in the axis of evil.

>     June 2001: Khatami re-elected

A few months or weeks thereafter, Khatami knackered.

>     January 2002: Bush's 'Axis of Evil' speech February 2004: 
>     Rigged parliamentary elections lead to conservative 
>     majority

         James A. Donald

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