Well, perhaps your comment was made entirely toungue-in-cheek, but I still think you're missing the point.

The point is this: Almost and "side" in this world that has committed or commits atrocities can find a true-believing apolegist. And in most cases the best of these can concoct an answer to anything you throw at him. As far as I'm concerned, that's the whole point of going through this excersize (ie, of finding a way to rationalize pretty much ANY form of violence/terrorism.) The danger comes when a nation (ie, the guys who control the guns) is run by the apolegists, or people who hold similar viewpoints.

Put in another way, just because you really really REALLY believe you are right doesn't give anyone the right to create huge amounts of turmoil and death in someone else's country.


From: "James A. Donald" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: US Retardation of Free Markets (was Airport insanity)
Date: Mon, 25 Oct 2004 14:59:56 -0700

J.A. Terranson:
> > > So if I was to go out tomorrow and spread 2000 curies of
> > > Ci into the local subway system "As payback for Ruby
> > > Ridge", this would not be an act of terrorism?

James A. Donald:
> > That would be terrorism, because regardless of what you
> > *said* your intent was, you would not be targeting those
> > responsible for Ruby Ridge.

J.A. Terranson:
> And if the station I chose just happened to be the one
> servicing ATF?

If your intent was to nail passing BATF employees, surely
hitting closer to their office would be more effectual.  Spray
some radioactives in the entrance lobby.

         James A. Donald

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