James A. Donald:
> > Bin Laden's intent was to make anyone in America afraid - 
> > thus the use of airliners, rather than truck bombs. 
> > McViegh's intent was to make BATF afraid.

J.A. Terranson:
> This is idiotic.  You're claiming that the definition of 
> "terrorist" is dependent not on the act, but on why the act 
> was committed.

Analogously, the definition of "murderer" depends on why the 
act was committed.

> So if I was to go out tomorrow and spread 2000 curies of Ci 
> into the local subway system "As payback for Ruby Ridge", 
> this would not be an act of terrorism?

That would be terrorism, because regardless of what you *said*
your intent was, you would not be targeting those responsible
for Ruby Ridge. 

         James A. Donald

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