The Selective Service website unctuously declares there is
no draft foreseen at the moment and lists defeat of recent 
congressional efforts to institute the draft. However, it
emphasizes that the agency is required by law to remain
at the ready to immediately institute a draft upon notice.

As part of this responsibility It polls educational instutitions 
every 18 months requesting updated information on draft-age 
youngsters who are receiving federal funding, the most
recent of these polls here:

A single harsh attack on US interests could precipitate a draft,
and override public opposition in a flash.

The military has nearly exhausted it National Guard and Reserve
options, and will not give up the long-standing strategic policy
of being able to fight two major wars at once. Thus most military
resources are tied up not in the Middle East but in pre-positioned
locations determined by the 2-wars policy.

Whether the US military should forego its 2-war policy and
use its forces in ways more appropriate to current threats
will be determined by those interest groups who benefit from
the horrifically expensive and magnificently wasteful 2-war 

Two generations of military personnel have been trained for
the 2-war threat, and almost none have faced actual combat.
This inexperience shows in unconventional warfare. again
and again. Big war planners throw big war resources are
small targets, take the applause for the phony war show,
as in Fallujah, and discount lives lost because the do not
show up on big war statistical-casualties diagrams.

Big wars expect big losses, far more than volunteers can
provide. Indeed, volunteer military personnel -- officers and
enlisted -- are careful to throw conscripts into the breech
as if they are expendable ammunition, the more thrown
the higher the credit obtained in charts of capacity, not
charts of smarts.

Recall Kennedy embraced the counter-insurgent tool with
support for Special Forces, but these forces remain a
marginal part of the military, not least because they do not
require much material and political resouces to do their
duty. Big defense, and never forget, big intelligence to
feed the need for big defense,  are far superior ar generating
contracts, jobs, careers and campaign contributions.

The US is totally addicted to profligate, wasteful ineffective
big war policy, primarily because there is little risk in
parading might, bragging about it, threatening with it, compared 
to using it. 

Every application of US military might since WW2 has failed.

STF up and pay your taxes, asshole, encourage your sons
and daughters to sacrifice for the nation -- well, not really
just tell the poor fuckers the military is a good safe job.

Don't get drafted, that's for losers.

Any road, killing the big war planners at home where they
feel safe, is sure to come for their mighty military does not
how to fight that war so busy is it parading forces against
imaginary wargame-type evil empires of the day.

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