James A. Donald:
> > > And the problem with a civil war in Iraq is?

On 24 Nov 2004 at 2:42, Bill Stewart wrote:
> Well, once you get past the invalid and dishonest parts of 
> Bush's 57 reasons We Need to Invade Iraq Right Now (WMDs,
> Al-Qaeda, Tried to kill Bush's Daddy, etc.) you're pretty
> much left with "Saddam tried to kill Bush's Daddy" and
> "Replacing the EEEVil dictator Saddam with a Democracy to
> protect the Iraqi people".

Seems to me that permanent civil war in Iraq provides Americans
with the same benefits as democracy in Iraq, though
considerably more reliably.

Chances are that after fair and free election, the majority
will vote to screw the minority - literally screw them, as in
rape being unofficially OK when members of the majority do it
to members of the minority.

Nothing like a long holy war with no clear winner to teach
people the virtues of religious tolerance.  That is, after all,
how Europeans learnt that lesson.

And the worst comes to the worst - well today the Taliban are
busy kiling Afghans instead of Americans.  Wouldn't it be nice
if Al Quaeda was killing Iraqis instead of Americans - well
actually they are killing Iraqis instead of americans, but
wouldn't it be nice if they were killing *more* Iraqis?

         James A. Donald

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