On Wed, Dec 08, 2004 at 09:17:30AM -0500, John Kelsey wrote:

> Maybe, maybe not.  The thing I always find interesting and annoying about Tim 
> May's posts is that he's sometimes making really clearly thought out, 
> intelligent points, and other times spewing out nonsense so crazy you can't 
> believe it's coming from the same person.  It's also clear he's often yanking 
> peoples' chains, often by saying the most offensive thing he can think of.  
> But once in awhile, even amidst the crazy rantings about useless eaters and 
> ovens, he'll toss out something that shows some deep, coherent thought about 
> some issue in a new and fascinating direction. 

There was no doubt he was trolling. I never figured out the precise reason,
though. Attempted suicide by cop? Free speech illustration? You tell me.
Neither is sufficient interesting. 

Eugen* Leitl <a href="http://leitl.org";>leitl</a>
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