--- John Kelsey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
> Maybe, maybe not.  The thing I always find interesting and annoying
> about Tim May's posts is that he's sometimes making really clearly
> thought out, intelligent points, and other times spewing out nonsense so
> crazy you can't believe it's coming from the same person.  It's also
> clear he's often yanking peoples' chains, often by saying the most
> offensive thing he can think of.  But once in awhile, even amidst the
> crazy rantings about useless eaters and ovens, he'll toss out something
> that shows some deep, coherent thought about some issue in a new and
> fascinating direction. 

That paragraph could easily be modified to make it a commentary on my
posting habits, or indeed, on my general presentation from day to day. 
So, I will comment.

On a pseudo-random but cyclic schedule, I am harassed, provoked, or
otherwise experience incidents of aggression of one sort or another.  This
affects my mood and general state of mind to varying degrees. 
Furthermore, I do not have consistent dietary intake, nor do I live in an
environment which allows or provides privacy, security, or consistency
save that which I impose with the expenditure of a great deal of effort
and patience.

If you also consider the fact that I have been variously poisoned in
recent years with everything from sedatives to stimulants to hormones to
psychoactive compounds to low-level hallucinogens, and as well have been
subjected to uncounted appeals to my subconscious in the main through the
use of direct and indirect sexually exploitative imagery and encounters,
you might get the idea that consistent literary output is simply not in
the offing.

Before anyone goes to the trouble of suggesting that I discuss matters
with the police, I'll save them the bother.  The police have entirely
failed to allow my allegations the courtesy of a hearing.  Not even once. 
I belive that those who have not merely dirties their own hands in some
way, are too chikenshit to recognise some of the more subtle criminality
that goes on in this country.  Or they may be intimidated by the kind of
agency[1] that has invoved itself in the kind of clandestine activity that
is at issue.

Add in the fact that I've been dealing with _some_ sort of malicious and
interfereing bullshit for quite a few years without any sincere assistance
of any sort beyond the odd informational giveaway of dubious provenance,
and you might well conclude that whatever else is going on, I'm not a
happy camper.  Perhaps my inconsistent presentation mimics the
inconclusive partial criterion for certain classical mental afflictions. 
This is convenient as such afflictions are conveniently viewed by the
layman and professional alike as having an origin that is entirely
internal to the individual in question.

However, I have quite a bit of evidence of varying grades that support my
position rather well.  Time will tell, perhaps, the true nature of the
matter in a fashion that leaves no doubt in the mind of the uninvolved

But in the interim, that will have to stand as my overbrief outline of the
reason why I exhibit inconsistency in writing, speech, and action.  I am
simply way too busy dealing with what can in one way be viewed as a
chronic and personalised denial of service attack.

Perhaps Tim May has an entirely different set of factors influencing his
online behaviour.  You will have to ask him to explain his circumstances,
and hope that he consents to it.

As for my case, I do not really wish to make it a topic of discussion on
the Cypherpunks list.  The law enforecement (and perhipheral) personnel
who have involvement in my affairs, for whatever reason, are (and should
be) fully aware of the external influences on my psychology.  They have
the investigative tools and authority to make definitive findings of fact,
and to take corrective action should they find incidents of criminal
liability, but as yet have refused to do so.  And *that* is another matter



[1] general sense of the term.  I'm not referring to, say, the CIA
specifically in this instance.  

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