Tyler Durden wrote:

As to the crypto relevance: context Arranged signals can be anything at all. If you don't share the context of the communicators, you have no idea what they convey in their conversation about the "whether".

That's a stretch. Soon you'll say that Post-modernist literary theory is Cypherpunkish content because it deals with 'context'.

I suggest you take up your theories with Mr Choate and the Dallas Cypherpunk(s). In that 'context' your posts will appear lucid.


No, all that european bs is only relevent because it adds to the piling evidence of irrationality.
Whats the connect between irrationality an C-punks?
Well aside from colorful characters
its also key to any understanding of the minimum mass mind.
There are policy implications inherent in innate incomplitence and compliance.

There are also important ecconomic understandings
that hinge upon understanding irrational choices
c.f hyperbolic discounting, aka matching theory.

There are also techie implications:
The human semantic competency is hackable


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