Major Variola (ret)

> It would be very cool karma if the Pope were to 
> be vegetative but indefinately prolongable (thanks 
> of course to the fruits of the scientific method 
> which is the antiPope).  One imagines this will 
> eventually happen.  Or are there rules to replace 
> a useless Pope?  Does Alexander Haig get to be 
> interim Pope?

This is  a nightmare scenario for
the Vatican. There is no legal route to remove a
living Pope, and there are certain documents required
for the running of the Church which can be
signed *only* by the pontiff.

A vegetable Pope would basicly lock up the
mechanisms of the Church.

I have no doubt that a lot of Canon Law lawyers
are trying to find a loophole at the moment. JP2
is clearly circling the drain.

Peter Trei

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