Yes, but this almost misses the point.

Is it possible to detect ('for certain', within previously mentioned boundary conditions) that some has read it? This is a different problem from merely trying to retain secrecy.

Remember, my brain is a little punch-drunk from all the Fight Club fighting.
BUT, I believe that the fact that deeper TLAs desire to hide themselves from more run-of-the-mill operations might be exploited in an interesting way. Or at least force them to "commit" to officially surveiling you, thereby (one hopes) subjecting them to whatever frail tatters of the law still exist.

A better example may be home security systems. If they're going to tempest you, I'd bet they'd prefer not to inform your local security company. They'd rather just shut down your alarm system and I bet this is easy for them.

BUT, this fact may enable one to detect (with little doubt) such an intrusion, and about this I shall say no more...


From: Ola Bini <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Tyler Durden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Email Certification?
Date: Thu, 28 Apr 2005 10:00:49 +0200

Hash: SHA1

Can anyone figure out a way to determine if one's hotmail, etc...has been looked at or not?


Email is more or less like sending a post card. Anyone inbetween can take a peek if they have the knowledge. (And not much knowledge is required). This is why cryptgraphic signing and encryption is preferable to communicate through EMail. So the answer to your question is: Always assume someone has looked at it.


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