--- Tyler Durden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >This premise, however, depends somewhat on the observation that the
> >so-called left and right-wing divisions of the political spectrum are
> >largely illusory.  The most strident critics of diametric political
> >opposites in the press and elsewhere would disagree, but their very
> >occupations are rather dependent upon the perception that the evident
> >differences in ideology are more than superficial.  But as far as I'm
> >concerned, there is no meaningful difference in most cases.
> Yeah...the reason you know to say that is because I just made that
> point. 

Is that correct?  'Cause it looks to me like you're farting chaff.

> Local authorities, however, can take these differences as meaningful and
> act 
> upon them.

Yes they can.  But should they?
> > > Is this paranoid?
> >
> >Yes, but in the wrong way.  Which makes you either an idiot or a JBT
> >troll.  Possibly both.
> What the fuck are you talking about? I don't have a clue.

Clue: JBT = Jack-booted thug.  Within the cypherpunks list membership,
this is usually an identifier referring to people working for the
so-called law-enforcement arm of a government -- particulaly one of the
federal-level agencies whose personnel believe themselves to be entitled
to dictate terms of existence to mere mortals.
> >Uh-huh.  Y'know the police planted a stupid story in the local media
> here
> >(toronto) not too long ago.  They said that some wack-job had been
> >deterred from going on a psychotic rampage with his evil guns because
> he
> >met a friendly dog in a park, and that the dog made him re-assess his
> >homocidal/suicidal ideation.  I imgaine the people who thought that one
> up
> >should cut down on their intake of hallucinogens and laughing gas.
> Well, maybe up in Canada. Such a story would be seen as very meaningful
> here 
> in most of the States, "proof" that we're responding correctly. In other
> words, as stupid as Canadians can be, Americans are often far stupider.
> And 
> more belligerent, too, which is why we're in this mess.

I think you would better serve yourself if you were employed doing
something productive as opposed to being occupied doing something that
merely seems productive.



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